You Know Ur From Long Island if Pronounce These Cities Pic

When did Sushi become pop? I don't remember going to japanese/sushi joints in the 90s. Is this a most year 2000 thing?


>I don't call up going to japanese/sushi joints in the 90s
that'due south considering you were poor in the 90s


I would think in the 80s, with the Wall street boom. Likewise Japan was becoming interesting as a civilisation to americans, it was pretty exotic to them


I only started noticing sushi getting popular in the concluding 5 years or so, I never remember hearing nearly it before 2016


Depends on where you alive. Information technology became super common in California in around 1960


Where practise you alive? Turkmenistan?


I'm in the rural midwest but close enough to a big urban center that I can drive an hour for expert sushi and not get some from Kroger.


United states buddy
>what's a turkmansten


>an hour
Practice you live in a trailer with a town population of threescore or something? What the fuck?


Sure, what's wrong with that? Do yous really live where they stack people on superlative of each other in square commie block buildings? What the fuck?


Are those the only two options in your head? I live in a town of about 20k and there's sushi bars hither.


No I live in a red county about a 35 minute drive from the biggest 'suburb' with all the stores and traffic and shit. Bought a house on 5 acres and I garden and hunt out of it and my boondocks is roughly 8000 people with no concatenation restaurants. Only identify that has sushi is the grocery shop and it's shit. I don't mind taking the married woman on a appointment to a nice sushi place every so oft only it isn't popular where I live as you lot will notice with about pocket-sized towns in rural america they have very normie tier taste and not too many exotic or unlike cultures food. We as well don't have a thai or chinese food place for case.

I grew upwardly in suburbia though and never noticed Sushi places popping upward until recently.


>sushi bar
Is that some new class of sushi where they condense it into a bar for on-the-get? Similar a cereal bar?


No its a restaurant where yous sit at a bar and some guy named Ping Pong Nagasaki makes sushi right in front of your face through plexiglass


Bars are chosen pubs in your countrie. Did I spell countrie english style correctly?


why would nosotros eat anime food in the 90s? chinese cartoons used to suck


It was pop in non-flyover areas in the 90s; california rolls, salmon rolls and all that boom happened in the 80s.


Slayers is better than anything that has came out later on it.


In the 80s it was more than heard of merely I still recollect it had the reputation of being a snooty, weird, upper-form affair. Molly Ringwald's character in The Breakfast Club brings it for lunch as a way to signify her characters social status compared to the other characters.


Thats crazy you don't even accept a Chinese identify. I guess I've never been to truly rural towns simply it feels like every smaller place I've ever been to at least has a Chinese takeout joint.


They came around in the 80s when Japan started exporting its culture and condign very economically powerful.


Nope. I actually similar it. There is a farmers market and lots of farmers who sell y'all their shit and it'south fresher and probably healthier than the store. Every so oftentimes when nosotros're "in town" nosotros'll get Chinese or Thai. Most Chinese food is some variation of fried chicken and rice with a sauce anyway. Except for Crab Rangoons. Those fuckers are a hurting in the donkey to make and then I e'er selection some upwards


Oh ok that makes sense, never heard of information technology before that sounds fun


Aforementioned. I still have never tried sushi earlier, it just sounds gross similar who tf wants to eat seaweed? Maybe I'll give it a shot anytime but I'll have to be actually drunkard or something


The city where I live has a lot of manufacturing for the japanese motorcar trade. It likewise has a lot of high technology industry, aerospace, rockets, satellites, nuclear reactors, nuclear submarines etc. As such it hosts an eclectic mix of world concern. It e'er had one sushi identify, completely out of character for the area, kind of confusing, like a completely authentic bit of japan here in one of the shitter parts of boondocks. It is really expensive in there and information technology is always busy with japanese business men. You lot step inside and information technology is like a moving-picture show set up in in that location, it is booking only and they gate keep to ensure that regular scum don't eat in that location. Somewhen a second sushi place opened, this one was much more normal and welcoming to the public in style and price. That was in 2009 so I'd say that is the year information technology became mainstream hither. I'd had it a few times maybe back in 2005, but that was in London and y'all tin can't really say something is mainstream until cheap and cheerful places showtime opening in provincial backwaters.


Do you non speak english language?


The eating sushi episode was such a mutual sitcom trope that it popularized the concept


never post on /ck/ again


>daughter doesn't eat sushi

crimson flag


Fish is for plebs


Sushi became extremely popular in the The states in the tardily 80s and has a massive surge in the 90s. It just took a while to make it to your podunk towns.


Was it Repo Man, from 1984, that had the line
> Permit'southward get sushi... and not pay!:
But that was set in California, which probably went into sushi early on. The east coast (of the The states) came a little after. Ubiquitous sushi in supermarkets came later, I don't remember when.
The dates for the UK, New Zealand, and Argentina could exist wildly different.


>When did Sushi go popular?
The 1980s, like everything else Japanese.


Sushi has been pop since the 1980s.


I remember getting mocked as a kid for eating sushi by the teacher and classmates when I was iv. Noone knew what it was back and so, willing to bet my left ball on the fact that atleast a quarter of them have a sushi motion picture on social media.


didnt actually kicking off until after 2010 being honest
yeah you COULD get it in 2003 or before merely only in fancy expensive places in the metropolis


he thinks its the merely two options cause he doesn't live in the existent world


Fucking flyover country


>very normie tier taste
honestly i don't mean to exist antagonistic hither, but it sounds like you lot're calling the kettle black here in that it seems similar your understanding of what chinese food is like as if yous become to taco bell and remember its real mexican nutrient. i guarantee you the majority of chinese people in america have never had a crab rangoon.


>Nosotros also don't have a thai or chinese food place for example.
Shit, I used to live in a rural Texas boondocks of 2500 and we had a Chinese place, ran past Chinese people.

Chinese restaurants are an organized cartel, btw.


wouldn't change it for the globe, Lucifer

I know what Chinese food is, and Mexican food for that thing and information technology is not taco bong lmao. The vast majority of people in my town are blueish collar carhart types who aren't exactly cooking anything spectacular or elaborate. These are the people that are making grilled cheese and campbells lycopersicon esculentum soup, they aren't cooking lemon chicken, smoking a brisket, or making stir fries. I don't know how to draw it, just very hard to picture these people eating Sushi, drinking an IPA or anything other than Busch Light. I was merely trying to depict the type of town to that betimes who seemed blown away we didn't have a sushi joint. Suburbanites are the worst because they take things for granted. Everything they need is on the local 5 lane road.


Practise Japs actually eat sushi? What type?
Or is it just a western have on jap "cuisine"?


Sushi is only skillful in theory. The sugariness of the rice paired with the natural savoriness of the fish. Maybe with some soy sauce in there.

But instead they add a shitton of vinegar and saccharide to the rice and the fish and include additional vinegary fillings, and fifty-fifty the soy sauce its paired with tends to have sugar in it also so you tin't even taste the fish and rice anymore.


I am reading nearly the IJN in the pacific war. Did the Nips have sushi chefs on board the ships? I imagine information technology wasn't too hard to have a Juro-type on each transport, especially carriers to provide delicious maki to the sailors and pilots.
Is at that place a WW2 IJN cookbook available, like I have for the United states Navy?


I only like Midwest sushi, cheese omelet wrapped in bacon, they pair really well haha


Information technology was already trendy in the 1980s in American cities. (Expect, I actually admire the so-called-"flyover" states, merely let's exist honest, they are typically behind on "trends", both good and bad.) Past the 90s, sushi was not uncommon even in suburbia (for coasties), where you could usually detect at to the lowest degree i Japanese eating place with shitty California rolls. Merely "popularity" in the broadest sense, where even American supermarkets and gas stations are selling sashimi (albeit from the cheapest frozen farmed salmon)... that does seem similar a 2000s or even 2010s thing.


>Do Japs really swallow sushi? What type?

What I remember as japanese nutrient growing up as a young kid in Tokyo

>uncooked fish (loaded with parasites)
>corn/mayo pizza
>horse sashimi
>poisonous fugu fish
>food made past robots served on conveyor belts
>seaweed in everything
>boiled water with lawn clippings
>one time, natto

Americans have no idea how bad information technology really is. No one in japan knows what the fuck chicken teriyaki is or California rolls. Japanese nutrient is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of whatsoever fauna. Makes sense because nips are the race of humans closest to animals. They make icky noises when they swallow, slurp everything, salarymen in the streets loosen their fucking ties while airsickness and chain-smoking and chugging cheap chuhai. Like what kind of idiot decided a vending machine is the almost practical way to sell used panties. Unintegrated Zainichi who eat kimchi have a better nutrition than the average nihonjin.


Itt. Bugmen baffled by a red blooded American male who has resisted the globohomo regime


Damn what a hellhole.




It's a off-white question. Kids today have no idea how limited the culinary landscape used to exist, even in cities. Fifty-fifty today I know older people whose showtime feel eating "tacos" was memorable. (Exotic Mexican food! How do you pronounce it?)


I take heard similar from people who accept been to Nippon. They talk upwardly japanese culture like its some beacon of promise and very interesting but ultimately most 'depression class' asians are rude, messy, drunk, and nasty. I've had some bad experiences with low class asians travelling and sympathize why people call them bugs or insects. Here is a vid of asians at a buffet.


I remember my family unit (mom was a good cook, dad was a tastelet) arguing over to go to Applebees, Chilis, or TGI Fridays.

Queue George Carlin "The illusion of choice"


This is the blazon of fella that "goes into boondocks."


if anyone actually takes either of these seriously you really need to get exterior.


January 24, 1991 is when it became popular. Millions of kids across the country begged their parents to try sushi, subsequently which it became main stream.


It is shit as well unless y'all're willing to spend an elite amount on it. Otherwise slimy damp fish and dry rice mmmmm


American Psycho has a whole scene in the book where they're eating sushi, information technology was very yuppie and fashionable in the 80's before becoming mainstream enough for normal people in the tardily 90's.


Damn Japs are really scummy


These aren't fifty-fifty japanese you fucking idiot they're chinese tourists in thailand

yous should see americans


When was your first fourth dimension at a sushi restaurant?
My older bro was very into nihon and sushi (company sent him on trips to nippon later getting a deal secured with some Japanese businessmen after others had failed), I recall around the belatedly 90'south (98/99) he'd take the family out for sushi every bit a treat when he came to visit. I wasn't too keen on trying raw fish so he ordered me Tempura rolls, I instantly fell in love with them.
Every bit I got older I actually enjoy salmon and tuna, simply above all else unagi. I beloved salmon/unagi rolls with eel sauce.


when anime became pop


Cope much chang?



t. had sushi for the first time in japan in 1986


bringing sushi for lunch in high school with your own footling bento box and chopsticks would nonetheless be incredibly weird in the US today


these are chinese tourists. everyone in japan fucking hates them because they're rude, loud and stinky.


lmao this is the all-time response weald people can give. i'm not even chinese, i only live in the existent globe


Every time I think I'g getting over my cloy and pity for flyovers ane of them slaps me back to reality. Practice they have any self-sensation at all?


Imagine being proud and bragging about living in a high tax high priced real estate pretentious shithole and thinking y'all're better than everyone and so having the balls to tell people who don't live in California or New York they have no cocky awareness or civilisation. Bravo.


I went to sushi restaurants when I was a immature teen in the early 90s. I lived in northern NJ so maybe it had to do with the part of the country you were in. I know my mom had sushi in yhr 80s (she got food poisoning and didn't swallow information technology once more for decades).


>Imagine existence proud and bragging nigh living in a high tax high priced real manor pretentious shithole
I was today years one-time when I learned that having good schools, working roads and libraries is "pretentious".


You know if information technology wasn't for these "shitholes" of Florida, California, Texas, the NY Tri-State Surface area, Colorado, and Washington, you wouldn't take shit right? These 8 states literally pay for nearly l% of the entire federal tax acquirement you dipshit.

You know why your state contributes peanuts? Information technology'due south because you accept stupid people like you who don't have the capacity to think about things beyond your hometown.


At that place's sushi in The Breakfast Club (a terrible motion-picture show)


The 90s are whack, how did they get away with making a cartoon of an Asian with yellow pare?


I don't care. We can starve y'all people at anytime.


Lucky for yous I'm an American supremacist and a businessman so even though you people want me fired from my job, my kids indoctrinated, my dog sent to a new family, my guns taken away, to install a sushi restaurant in my town to 'culture' me, and my truck traded in for a Prius I withal will feed y'all and sell you lot food. I will still grow the corn. I volition assistance americans get large and strong to fight our common enemy: Russian and Chinese commies; and I will practise it proudly. So go ahead and shit on flyovers if it makes you experience amend. Working blue collar men and women like myself brand this country run, and we don't give a shit most federal tax whatsoever the fuck; this country is fucked 6 ways to Sun anyway and paying taxes and money doesn't matter when they but print more anyway, as shown in the last ii years.

Have a nice day and be the change you desire to see in the globe. Stop being and so mean to people yous've never met IRL and acquire some fucking respect.

I'm sorry we "Disgust" you and you lot PITY us. Nosotros're working hard doing our all-time out here and aren't up to appointment the on the latest fashion or nutrient trends. God forbid. Fucking asshole


>>nutrient fabricated by robots served on conveyor belts
That's racist!


>good schools
Urbanites have to be the dumbest tards. The only place in America with ok schools are white suburban schools.


>my crowning accomplishment is being white


t. too poor to go to an aristocracy prep schoolhouse




1975: James Clavell's Novel "Shogun" released
1980: Television set Serial made
1980: Sushi takes off. Non even joking, this was the main reason. You could get information technology before, just Yuppies don't read.


When I was a kid in 70s Federal republic of germany, Pizza was considered to exist exotic brown people food.


>When I was a child in 70s Federal republic of germany, Pizza was considered to exist exotic brown people food.
growing upwards in Prc, nosotros always thought pizza was the exotic white people nutrient


First time I ever had sushi was 2007. Moved from the southern US where it was uncommon to an island in the Northward Pacific Ocean where it was everywhere.


Having worked in sushi restaruants, the owners told me it was pretty impossible getting fresh fast deliveries of quality fish from Japan or the coasts reliably until the 2000's.

I'd imagine that's 1 of the chief reasons


That'due south also why in the 'xc's and early 2000s all the sushi restaurants would serve california rolls with shitty fake crab and other "fancy" rolls that hibernate the week old fish.


>1980: Sushi takes off. Not even joking
i dont even call up sushi existence a major thing in the show, the 80's however were jap crazy, Walkman came out in 79, Turning Japanese came out in 80, famicom in 83


Absolutely based and correct. I wish I could buy y'all a beer or thirty.


Thats right bitch why don't yous become lock your doors at nighttime, consume at the local chain thats in every other town, become in your prius, power your way through another family gathering with people yous hate, and talk shit to people on the internet. You're a beacon and a really good example of what some dumb redneck similar me can strive to be ane day.


i like this meme, it should expand to all food cultures


Not in the testify. Merely I guess the culture references were the reason. This was before Anime became a matter.


the chinese really are the americans of asia


>the chinese really are the americans of asia
Guranteed we're 1000x worse than your worst american nigger. Always seen a mom only tell her child to shit on the street? That's normal for chinese tourists.


Country for i, countries for many.



when I was in Boston there was like 500 asians that walked past. Just a never ending swarm of bugs. I was scared or idea at that place was a political rally or something at kickoff then i realized they were merely tourists.


You know honestly I don't intendance about your truck, dog, kids, or guns. I'1000 a gun owner and I would drive a V8 over an EV any day. The only reason I shit on flyovers is when you lot get so big-headed and become and then proud of the fact that your view of the world is so narrow that yous call out everyone that isn't you. It's fine to be proud of what you do for the country, and aye, even in the midst of this writing I can capeesh what you do likewise, but don't call places shitholes that you've never been to unless you're willing to be roasted for it.

I don't have negative feelings towards not being up to date with way or food trends or whatever crap similar that, only simply exist open up-minded that you don't know what its really like living where I live, and I'll exist open-minded that I don't know what it'south like where you lot are.

and I am not >>17502484 nor >>17504848


>I'm in the rural midwest
Do you guys have running water or electricity yet?


Human being I've been to vii countries, 39 states.. I've been all over nonetheless I choose to live in rural america. I don't call back I'one thousand negative at all. I was just explaining why I don't have a sushi eating place in my town. That'southward literally it. Have a prissy day anon.

No and actually some of the restaurants still have two bathrooms one for whites and one labeled 'colerds'; I don't think the telegram has reached the local shopkeep yet


Information technology was a just a joke, no need to get that upset nigh information technology. You have a massive victim-complex. Nobody wants to brainwash your kids, accept your guns, steal your dog, fire you lot from your job, and whatever else you went on about. We shit on your for the same reason you shit on usa, because of your ignorance and fear over people,places, things, or food you lot've never had or experienced.


>The only reason I shit on flyovers is when you lot get so big-headed and get so proud of the fact that your view of the world is so narrow that yous call out everyone that isn't yous.
The absolute self-unaware irony in this post is hilarious.


>raw fish
>in the midwest

no thank you, faggot


really makes y'all recall you think virtually the cultural influence that great art can accept, I know some academics try to simply chalk it up to "soft ability" but thats fucking gay


> This was before Anime became a thing.

nigga your GRANDPA was watching Speed Racer and maybe some Astro Male child

animu in the U.s. goes dorsum to the 60'due south


I remember Art these days is just a giant coin laundering operation


>get-go to observe most sushi is just a variation of the california roll
>even spider rolls if yous think about it
>only exception I similar gets taken off the menu
what are your favorite rolls /ck/? The place nigh me has a nice cheap whorl that's just yellowfin and scallions, too caterpillar rolls are based


Deep fried shrimp tempura with the orange sauce

t. american


For me it'due south westernized "sushi" takeout rolls drenched in sauce
Motion-picture show related I slam a box of this sloppa shit at least once a calendar week


2003 for midwest information technology became accessible and people started picking it upwards here, no idea about west or due east declension probably 80s in LA maybe same time for NYC but florida probably didnt get it till 00'south as well


Takeout sushi in Nihon.


ginza rolls (cooked salmon and pickled onion) are god tier only i hardly see anywhere that sells them


Stay in int Gwongli Kim


the ones on here are what happen when you're on /pol/ xvi hours/day and view the unabridged world through a filtered dichotomy of "us" vs. "them". they think they are enlightened because they lookout tucker carlson, but they are exact aforementioned pozzed automatons that they hate from the other side, all controlled by media interests for their own proceeds.


Why would I read or mind to anyone on the other side when I'm correct about everything?


It's incredible to me that NEETs whose sole source for information and "earth experience" is would mount this blazon of criticism - I have a PhD in Philosophy and did study Frankfurt School thinkers, I don't similar them that much, just I know them. The mere fact that you call back that there exists the "Reddit VS based/pol" epistemic dichotomy should alarm you to the fact that you lot are a mentally ill retard - you are and then fucking ignorant and retarded that you don't even accept a concept of what understanding would mean.

Your entire world-view is informed by tweet-sized posts on 4chan and .jpg infographics, that is literally all you know still everyone who disagrees with yous is the "brainwashed ZOGbot". Information technology's incredible, stuff of ancient comedies really.

I will gas y'all American, don't worry, you and your family will be removed.


You were built-in after nine/11 weren't you lot


lmao is this pasta or autism


It's pasta.


become ahead and post the meme frog with a smug response. you desire to go ahead and further entrench your distorted view of the world? fine, it's your loss.


I'g losing!

Am I on the wrong side of history?

Ps I just wanna grill


Honest question: why does Jiro only make nigiri and omelettes? I mean NO maki.
I idea maki was THE iconic sushi type. Wtf?


thats not public education though, yous can go to great individual schools that arent in loftier tax areas......


> I don't remember going to japanese/sushi joints in the 90s. Is this a most year 2000 matter?
I remember an episode of Doug (90s) where his grandma came to town and was going to take him out for sushi and he wrote in his petty bitch diary about how scary it is and how the fish might be sad if he eats them


It only really started to take off considering of Reno and Cali, most Reno Nevada

The reason existence fresh fish are normally shipped and or flown in to these locations and and so access to the fish needed was a lot easier.

All you can eat sushi really took off in Reno Nevada because information technology was really cheaper to fly fish in from across the ocean into Reno then information technology was to fly it into Cali due to taxes, so Reno popularized all you lot can eat sushi for like twenty bucks.
So the craze toom off.


This documentary was so fucking cringe. This dude and anyone who eats at that place is so fucking pretentious it's ridiculous


I knew this would be a response, simply don't misunderstand me. I would never make it a signal to say I'grand GLAD and PROUD that I'm ignorant virtually the globe outside my bubble. Non to say that no one where I am doesn't practise that, nor does that say people in other places all do that.


Why exercise martsharters utilize a solar day when a couple of people in New York died every bit some kind of epoch to base their time reckoning around?


You lot take the cyberspace too seriously bro


My dad, a bluish-collar guy from Cincinnati, has repeatedly told me that the get-go time he tried sake was when the Shogun miniseries aired and he wanted to emulate the bear witness. And so I'd believe information technology was a big cultural debut for Nippon to normie America at the time.


Tell me y'all're a zoomer without telling me you're a zoomer


I was talking almost the cultural references in Anime. Not a lot of these in fucking Robot cartoons. The first Anime wave was as non-Japanese equally possible and then it could exist traded on the international market.


>doesn't sympathize basic geography
Checks out.


If i wanted basic geography i'd plough your land into a parking lot


Late 1980's in the US.


Not what I asked merely yes I approximate just let your frustration out chuddy chud


It only became popular in the final decade.


>people proverb the 80s
Non truthful, only rich people ate it back and so. Information technology merely became popular with the public recently


aye merely in the 90'southward the were straddling upwards to be ubiquitous every bit Chinese places.


because if you lived before then you lot can pinpoint a lot of geopolitical and social change to that ane day. We're still in the fallout from it, nosotros're just numb at present.


I lived in a single parent household around the poverty line and ate it in the 80s. Yous're only incorrect lad.


80'south. At that place'southward a scene in the breakfast club (1985) where she eats sushi for lunch in detention. She being the yuppie upper center class daughter going to public school.
https://world wide


Sushi was popular in the West from the 80s forward. I'm honestly surprised anyone would think it but got popular in the 2000s.


Simple sushi like that is the best so long as its a decent size
meme sushi with like 6 dissimilar toppings ruin the signal


Probably effectually 2004 I was effectually 7 and my family went to a sushi restaurant with family unit friends, I had teriyaki chicken, but they told me to close my eyes and I ate some eel.


In 2020 people were bored in lockdown and discovered sushi for the kickoff fourth dimension because that's when we all first started cooking at dwelling and looking for new foods to make.


>I idea maki was THE iconic sushi
I've only ever ordered nigiri. Maki sucks, too much crap. Can't gustatory modality the fish.


why is japanese cuisine and then hilariously bad?
the master staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally but fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
fifty-fifty instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and non from nippon

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?



Not being ironic they kill whales


Here's the biggest reason for the current popularity of sushi.


Sushi is the perfect combination of people paying a premium for the product and a minimal amount of processing needed to create information technology. Also information technology'due south 70% rice which is cheaper than the cheapest industrial bread. Imagine if someone took notwithstanding ingredients in sushi rolls and put them in cheap white bread, everyone would think it was disgusting simply and so put those same ingredients on top of or rolled in dirt cheap rice and now people are willing to pay most 10 bucks for a little tray of information technology.

It didn't really explode until all the major supermarket bondage started having a sushi display, considering they realized all the sushi guy needed was refrigeration for all the inexpensive fish, a plug for the rice cooker, access to the deep fryer, a small-scale countertop oven for baked rolls, and literally nothing else. The equipment needed to make the product was mostly merely refrigeration, no ranges and no hoods which cost a lot more to operate, clean, and maintain.

It but happened in the last 20 years, kickoff all the littoral areas so slowly spread throughout the rest of the country every bit information technology became more and more popular.


Literally every sushi eating house buys frozen fish. Thats how fish is stored until it even reaches land. Its non like they catch fish and only throw it in a truck and promise for the best. Fish when caught is frozen, sold at markets frozen or thawing.


listen, i fucking hate weebs, but ronin warriors and dragon ball z... i hateful come on they were good


01 fag, I've been eating sushi for all my life.


Is sushi notwithstanding tasty with brown rice?

I want to offset making sushi regularly but I don't want to eat a agglomeration of unhealthy white rice


I call up that by the late 90s sushi had get an attainable dining feel for nearly people. There's only been a massive explosion over the last ten years though, my town of 100k people has at least 5 dedicated sushi places and every Asian buffet serves information technology as well.

I recall asking my aunt in the mid-2000s to bring me some prepackaged sushi from a store because it was such a rarity in my surface area, and now every mid-range supermarket has its own sushi stands.

t. Dutchfag


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